Okay, as you all know, Michelle is finally home. She came home on Monday, November 14th and I have enjoyed every minute of having the little booger home. I have missed this girl soooo much it is not even funny. I played the PR person all day on the 14th making sure that I kept calling mom to see how far away from the house they were. Michelle was warned ahead of time that there would be some people at the house when they arrived, but she didn't realize that we were actually going to have everything decorated. Well, she might have had a little clue because my wonderful niece Alexis told her one day on the phone that we were decorating the house for her. Great going Alexis. Anyways, I spent hours making two signs to welcome Michelle home. And then spent a majority of Monday, with a bunch of help from my older sister Amber, getting stuff put together for the big homecoming. Here are some pictures from when we finally saw the car coming down the street to when Michelle was finally HOME!
This is the banner hanging outside the front of the house:

Here is the little bity welcome home sign that was in the corner of the front yard (we live on the corner of a street. It is the best place to be when you want everyone to see that your sister is coming home from Iraq. ):

Here are the flags that we put out front in the strip of yard next to the road:

Here is one of the two signs that I made. This is the best one. It was also the first one I made. I spent 3 hours working on this thing and then decided not to be so elaborate on the next one. It simply says "Welcome Back From Iraq Michelle. We are proud of you! (on the left). We missed you! (on the right)"

Here is sign number 2. It was original on the back of dad's jeep but then we had to move it when we realized they were coming from the other direction. I wished someone would have warned me which direction they were coming from before they were 5 minutes away. I would have had time to move the big banner from the front porch to the side porch. But anyways this one just says "Welcome Home Spc. Pfister" Don't you love the army suit, hat, American flag, canteen and tank stickers on the bottom?

Here is the side porch all nice and decorate. That is the Pastor and a friend of the family on the porch:

here is the crowd anxiously awaiting the car that should be coming down the road any minute. See my very pregnant sister Amber (she isn't due until February people) :

Here is the car right as it rounded the corner. Alexis started running for the car screaming "Auntie Shell, Auntie Shell. She's home. She's home.":

So of course the first picture I get of Michelle is Michelle with Alexis. Notice the "I am so freaking glad to be home" smile :

here is michelle hugging Great Grandma Rice:

So since it was freaking cold outside, we moved inside. This is what was awaiting Michelle in the kitchen:

Here is the crowd inside the house:

Here is the proudest mom in the whole world and another friend of the family:

And here is the typical Michelle thing. Sorry if I offended any of you by posting this picture but this is what Michelle does when she doesn't want her picture taken. I have missed little things like this from her. Dang it is good to have her home: