So for those of you who saw last weeks post. People seem to think that i closely resemble Wynona Ryder. I can kind of see it and if you think that i look close to this picture then i wouldn't mind...

or even this one...

But anyways, this whole thing was started by my handsome friend Gaz. You should really visit
his site because his music is good. Visit his
MySpace account to while you are at it. Anyways, so he started this whole thing and i feel that i should comment that i think he...

looks like a cross between these two people....
Mr. Ryan Cabrera

and Mr. Lance Bass

Must be the hair :) He is so going to beat me for posting this. Geez! I am such a dork. See what happens when you get divorced. You get really really bored and have nothing better to do then be online all day! Grrr i need to get out of the apartment for a while. Oh wait, i have to go to work. So yeah, i am getting out the apartment now. Let me know what you guys think about the resemblances :) I will have more important updates to post later. well, actually tomorrow because tonight is Margherita night at LaFiesta....anyone want to join me?
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