Here is what you have all been waiting for....
I know I said that I would not be posting any pictures on here. However, my roommate was nice enough to let me borrow her digital camera. So I documented the day in pictures. Aren't you lucky?
My mom, my grandma, the new big sister and I went to Bob Evans for lunch before we headed to the hospital. Here is a picture of my mom and Alexis at Bob Evans. And just to let you know, I am addicted to the pot roast hash sandwhich there. It is absolutely amazing. That and the chedder baked potato soup...I am in heaven!

This is some random picture of Michelle and Alexis at the hospital. Not really quit sure what was going on here or why I took the picture.

This is a picture of Amber. She was opening up a gift that I brought here. I got here some Winnie the Pooh binkies, a Playtex newborn bottle starter set, and fuzzy pink bunny rabbit, and two bibs. One said "I love my big sister!" and the other one said "I love my Auntie!" I thought about taking a marker and writting April on that last bib!

Okay, the next couple of pictures involve a story so get comfortable.....Are you comfortable yet?.....How about now?.....Good! Okay, Hunter was moved to the special care unit since she was having breathing problems. The breathing problems were due to the fact that she was born c-section and so not all the fluids got pushed out of her lungs when she was delivered. The doctor was a little concerned about the nose flairs and the shallow breathing so they put her in the SCU. Well, she was delivered at 7:37 in the morning, we got there at 2 and at 3:30 they final told Amber and everyone that we could go see the baby. Now this was the first time that anyone had gotten to see her all day. So we are all getting excited! Amber, Justin (Amber's husband), my grandma, my mom, Alexis, Michelle and me all head down to the SCU. When we get down there the nurse tells us that she is going to let Amber, Justin and Alexis go in first, then the grandparents can go in and that is all. Now I was getting ticked. If I wasn't going to be able to see my new niece there was going to be hell to pay. Especially since they told us that the earliest that the baby would be released to go back to Amber's room was after 5. There was no way I was going to spend all day at the hospital. I wanted to see my niece NOW! So Amber and Justin and Alexis go in. Then my mom goes in. Justin's mom shows up and she goes in. Then the nurse comes out and says "okay everyone back to the room!" I give this look like "you better not be telling me that I am not going to get to see my new niece, because if you are, you better be glad that we are already in a hospital that way you can get care faster after I pound you into the ground for not letting me see my niece!" Now trust me people, i wouldn't actually beat anyone up I was just a little ticked that they weren't going to let me see my niece. Well, the nurse then explains that they were going to release Hunter back to her mom's room because she had been doing well with her breathing. Anyways, these are the pictures that the nurse took while Hunter was still in the SCU. The first one is of Justin, Amber, Hunter and Alexis.....

Now the really cool pictures. These were all taken after Hunter got back to Amber's room. This is a shot of Amber holding Hunter:

Here is a close up of my new adorable niece Hunter Marie Collins (she definetly takes after her Auntie April):

Here is the new big sister Alexis holding Hunter:

Here is a very tired Michelle holding Hunter. Michelle had been at the hospital since 5:30 in the morning. She was present for the c-section. I played it smart and showed up after everything was all closed up and the baby was all nice and clean:

Here is a picture of the proudest Aunt in the world holding her new niece. I kept telling Hunter that I was her Auntie April and I was going to be her favorite.

Isn't she adorable? And Hunter is quite cute herself!

Here are some pictures of Justin's mom, Cindy, holding Hunter. People should know by now that whatever picture I take of them (good or bad) will get posted. It is all part of the picture sharing process.

Here are a couple of my mom holding Hunter. She should have known as well that ready or not I was going to snap the picture and post it:

This is my Grandma holding Hunter:

Justin refused to hold Hunter for some reason. I think it was because she is a lot smaller than Alexis was when she was born. But after some encouragment we finally got him to hold her. So here is Justin

Welcome to the world Hunter Marie. Be prepared...your family is a little crazy but you will learn that all in time!